What is it?

Pixel Glass is a tiny JavaScript library, it can help you to check out how your markup fits your design. No need to jump to graphical editor and back, no need to leave page every time when you need to look at the design.

It will be very helpful if you make an adaptive design and have more than one design of the page.

How does it work?

Pixel Glass just lets you control your page’s <body> opacity. When the <body> becomes semi-transparent, you can see designs through it.

How to use Pixel Glass in your project?

  1. Install package into your project folder via npm:
    npm i pixel-glass --save-dev
  2. Place your mock-ups into img (or any other) folder of your project.
  3. Add this code into <head> element of your page:
    <!-- Pixel Glass -->
      HTML {
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position:  50% 0;
        /* Mobile layout by default */
        background-image: url( "img/320.png" );
      /* Tablet */
      @media ( min-width: 760px ) {
        HTML {
          /* Tablet layout */
          background-image: url( "img/760.png" );
      /* Desktop */
      @media ( min-width: 960px ) {
        HTML {
          /* Desktop layout */
          background-image: url( "img/960.png" );
    <link href="../node_modules/pixel-glass/styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="../node_modules/pixel-glass/script.js"></script>
    <!-- // Pixel Glass -->
    Edit highlighted text to make this code fit your project: change media queries or add yours, change image URLs to actual files.
  4. Save file, update a page and enjoy!